

(Adopted March 2nd 2009.  Amended January 19th 2010 Amended 21st April 2012. Amended 5th Janaury 2015, Amended 21st February 2017)

1. Name

1.1 The Society shall be called The Wisbech Players

2. Mission

2.1 Established in 1954, the prime objective of the Society is to perform theatrical productions for the benefit of people in the Wisbech and surrounding area.

3. Management

3.1 The Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee which shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall comprise the following:

President (this is a non voting post)




3.2 Nine general committee members (other posts, viz vice-chairman, social secretary, patrons’ secretary, publicity manager to be filled from within this group)

3.3 The Executive Committee shall meet monthly, not less than nine times per year.

3.4 A quorum shall consist of five attendees excluding the President.

3.5 A member of the Executive Committee shall cease to hold office if he or she:

§ becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing and administering his or her own affairs.

§ is absent without apology or permission from all committee meetings for a period of six months

3.6 The Executive Committee, including Officers, shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. The names of candidates for these positions shall be sent to the Secretary in writing at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting. If more names are proposed than the number required to fill the vacancies election shall be by ballot. Candidates must have been fully paid up members of the Society for a minimum of two consecutive years. Only members paying a full subscription shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee.

3.7 When voting upon a proposal during a committee meeting and the number of votes for and against is equal the Chairman shall have an additional casting vote.

3.8 The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees and/or co-opt additional members of the Society in order to carry out specific tasks.

3.9 Discussions within the Executive Committee shall remain confidential and, on no account, shall be discussed outside the Committee. However, copies of minutes shall be available to society members upon written request to the Secretary.

3.10 Complaints procedure;

Should a member of the Society have a complaint about the way any aspect of the Society’s business has been conducted, such a complaint should be submitted to the Secretary, or any member of the Executive Committee in writing. The matter to be dealt with at the next Executive Committee meeting, and the outcome reported to the member concerned.

4. Powers

4.1 In furtherance of its objectives the Society, through its Executive Committee, shall have the following powers:

§ purchase, acquire and obtain the interest in copyright or the right to perform any works chosen by the Executive


§ purchase or acquire any fixtures, fittings, scenery and all other necessary properties and effects

§ raise funds and invite and receive contributions by way of subscriptions, donations and otherwise, provided these are

within the law

§ sell, lease or dispose of any part of property of the Society within the law

§ to do all such other lawful things as necessary in order to achieve its objectives

§ in order to maintain the integrity of the Society no individual member shall act on its behalf without permission of the

Executive Committee

§ ensure adequate insurance is in place for protection of the membership, in addition to public liability

5. Membership

5.1 The Society shall comprise subscribing members and may include as honorary life members such persons who have rendered special services to the Society

5.2 Membership shall be open to all persons irrespective of colour or creed who have sympathy with the objectives of the Society

5.3 An annual subscription is payable from the date of the 1st January, the amount to be laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee. On such occasions that it is necessary, in the absence of any willing and suitably qualified member of the socirty, to bring in a person or persons to assist as a non acting participant, such as set designer/builder, stage crew etc, the Executive Committee may waive or offer a reduced membership fee.

5.4 Any member under the age of eighteen years, or in full time

education, shall pay half the full subscription and the society Childrens Protection and Safeguarding Policy will be followed.

5.5 No member shall be allowed to take part in any activity of the Society unless the current due subscription has been paid

6. Finance

6.1 The financial year of the Society shall be the calendar year

6.2 Funds of the Society shall be applied solely in furthering the objectives of the Society

6.3 The financial business of the Society shall be operated through accounts, selected by the Executive Committee in the name of the Society, at such bank(s) or other suitable financial institution(s) as the Executive Committee shall from time to time decide. All cheques drawn on any account must be signed by the Treasurer and one other member of the Executive Committee (usually the Secretary) in accordance with the mandate(s)

6.4 No member of the Society shall receive payment for services other than legitimate expenses incurred in its work

6.5 No expenditure shall be incurred by any member of the Society without authority of any two from the Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary

6.6 The Society shall pay an annual subscription to the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA)

6.7 Any member of the Society who incurs a legitimate expense relating to the Society’s activities shall be reimbursed by the Treasurer upon production of a relevant receipt

7. Annual General Meeting

7.1 The AGM shall normally be held in February, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Secretary shall give at least twenty one days notice of such a meeting to all members. A quorum shall consist of twelve attendees.

The following business shall be transacted:

§ apologies for absence

§ minutes of the previous AGM

§ matters arising

§ Chairman’s annual report

§ Treasurer’s financial statement

§ election of Officers and committee members

§ any other business agreed by the Chairman


7.2 Proxy votes shall be accepted. Non attendees must give notice in writing to the Secretary, nominating the attendee who will

cast their vote.

8. Productions

8.1 The Executive Committee shall select the works to be produced by the Society and shall determine the venues and dates of such performances, also ticket prices, including any concessions

8.2 The Executive Committee shall encourage members to become directors and give them all necessary support

8.3 Works to be performed shall be advertised locally and on the internet

8.4 Read-throughs shall be arranged and these shall be open to all members and prospective members

8.5 Following read-throughs and auditions, casts shall be chosen by the director and audition panel, which must include at least one member of the Executive Committee

8.6 Selected casts shall be expected to attend all rehearsals as required by the director. The director, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall have the power to replace any cast member whose attendance at rehearsals is irregular or detrimental to the work as a whole.

8.7 The Society shall never knowingly perform any licensed production, or part thereof, without the license holders permission and payment of a fee if appropriate

9. Patrons of the Society

9.1 Patronage is invited from interested members of the public

9.2 Patrons pay a minimum subscription of £5.00 on an annual basis

9.3 Patrons are given priority booking facilities

9.4 An annual Patrons’ Evening is held, at which entertainment and refreshment is provided in recognition of their continued support

10. Dissolution of the Society

10.1 Should the Executive Committee decide that it is necessary, or advisable, to dissolve the Society a special general meeting for all members of the Society shall be called at not less than twenty-one days notice. At this meeting the terms of the resolution to be proposed shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by a two thirds majority of those present the Executive Committee shall have the power to realise all assets held by the Society. After discharging debts and liabilities any assets remaining shall be given or transferred to any organisation or charity decided upon by the Executive Committee.

11. Alteration of Rules

11.1 Any alterations to these rules shall be decided by the Executive Committee and notice given to the membership not less than twenty one days prior to an Annual General Meeting.

This constitution was adopted on the following date by the persons whose signatures appear as follows.

Signatures and titles:

President: Gordon Ringrose

Chairman: David Bailey

Secretary: Isobel Shippey

Treasurer: Ian Jones

Date: 2nd March 2009

Last Updated on Friday, 24 February 2017 14:37